The Fire's Dawn In Winter's Break

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
432 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2013
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Author Biography

I am currently on active duty with the United States Army as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Certified Team Leader. I am a brother of Sigma Phi Epsilon from the Florida Nu Chapter at Florida International University (FIU) as well as attended Excelsior College where I received my BS. During my time at FIU I was on scholarship for the Track and Field team where I competed in pole vaulting and javelin. I attended Key West High School as well as Hood River Valley High School. Between my father being a retired Marine, my step father who is retired from the Navy, and my own choice of joining the Army I have spent my entire life moving on average every three years. Life has been a journey for me and one of the biggest adventures has been my two children. I hope to share with them, and everyone for that matter, one of the best parts about being us; our imagination.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kathryn Bennett for Readers' Favorite

The Fire's Dawn In Winter's Break by Michael Weber is a book that takes us to a world that has been in darkness for years, but the fires of determination are still burning and just waiting to be released. Winter is over and as the sun returns an ancient people are growing in their strength and numbers. Festero is the leader of these people and he uses ancient relics to secure power over all. But a group has banded together to try to fight off Festero's tyranny and the threat that he represents. But will the good turn bad due to powers of corruption?

Michael Weber has created a deep and enjoyable adventure story with Fire’s Dawn in Winter’s Break. It is well written and well edited and overall just a joy to read. I have not enjoyed a fantasy adventure this much since I first read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, that is how good this book is. The world that has been created is laid out for you in a way that you feel like you are part of it, and you can understand the rules of how magic and everything works. It takes a crafty hand to bring that kind of finesse to a story without boring the reader, Michael Weber has done that successfully. I would suggest this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy or adventure. Fire’s Dawn in Winter’s Break is a well-crafted book that will pull you in and hold you until the last word.