The Fly Who Knew Too Much

A comic novel

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
202 Pages
Reviewed on 09/11/2024
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Author Biography

The author is a native Californian, a graduate of UC Berkeley and UCLA law school. He was adnitted to the California bar in 1963, practiced law in California for 50 years and retired in 2020 to write full time. The Fly Who Knew Too Much was inspired by books like Voltaire's"Candide", Kafka's "Metamorphosis", "The Life of Pi", and other books in the genre of Magical Realism like Salman Rushdie(Midnight's Children" and Gabriel Garcie Marquez (A Hundred Years of Solitude). The notion of making a non human the narrator of the novel is not new, but its appearance is rare in fiction and a risk for the author.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Fly Who Knew Too Much is a satirical comedy by M. Taylor. The book follows the adventures of a mutant fly who finds himself in the company of a blonde actress from Malibu. Born in a dumpster behind Gelson's market in Calabasas, the fly found its way into the car of the young Hollywood actress, Barbara. When Barbara discovers that the fly can understand her, she uses him to make money by betting on various sports and investing in the stock market and real estate. In turn, she provides him with a great home with all the luxuries he could wish for. But after a disastrous dinner at the White House, an escalating chain of events has the fly working undercover for the FBI to foil the plans of a Mexican drug lord who wants to kidnap Barbara.

Hilarious and wild in equal measure, The Fly Who Knew Too Much takes you on an action-packed adventure you don't want to end. Narrated through the POV of a fly, this book is a delightful surprise. Author M. Taylor offers readers biting satire and comedy with a story that is as outrageous as it is entertaining. The characters are quirky, with distinct and well-defined personality traits that make an impression on the reader. Every companion of the fly, whether Barbara, Mrs. Olson, or Johnny Ray Jones, finds ways to use him to further their own interests and stop caring after they're done with him. It makes you root for the fly more than the human characters. I also immensely enjoyed the ending and the fly's fate as he embraced his old age with dignity and grace. Overall, it is a fantastic adventure comedy.