The Fund

Fiction - Thriller - General
464 Pages
Reviewed on 03/27/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Paul Johnson for Readers' Favorite

Kate Molares is a U.S. Defense Intelligence Operative investigating a suspicious international money trail. Nebibi, the Panther, is a handsome Middle Eastern hedge fund mogul. His goal is to wreck the West by bringing the global economy to its knees. Kate soon finds herself at the center of a plot involving a terrifying new kind of terrorism--financial terrorism--perpetrated by old flame Nebibi. Along the way, Kate’s mission takes her from the defense intelligence command center on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. to Caracas, Venezuela; to Cuba; to a magnificent back-country estate in Greenwich, Connecticut; and on from there.

Nebibi’s plan is simple: by using a new drug, one that could develop ‘super’ soldiers, he will detonate dirty bombs filled with Cobalt-60 strategically located to cripple America’s financial dealings. Kate is in a race against time to fit together the pieces of this global puzzle, a deadly Islamic conspiracy that will conclude with the catastrophic destruction of the world’s financial markets.

The Fund is a stimulating, riveting story. It provides a disturbing peek into what could be a wake-up call for an all too possible future. I enjoyed reading this book. The plot was chilling, well thought out, building to an exciting ending. The characters, both evil and good, were outstanding. The POV employed by the author was excellent as he moved from character to character, event to event, allowing the reader access to the thoughts, feelings and motivations of his characters while building suspense along the way. A first rate story.