The Future King

Return of the Once Monarch

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
323 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

In The Future King: Return of the Once Monarch by Vishnul Jain, the story opens with a captivating scene set in the halls of Oxford University. Professor Limren, a seemingly ordinary history professor, navigates through his daily routine, only to be confronted by echoes of his ancient past. As the modern-day persona of Merlin, Limren’s mundane existence is shattered when he senses a resurgence of magical disturbances. These unsettling signs signal the return of the Order of Rhamnusia, a shadowy cult determined to unleash the dark sorcery of Morgana. This inciting incident plunges Merlin back into the treacherous world of magic he had left behind, setting the stage for an epic battle that spans centuries.

Vishnul Jain's storytelling is masterful, weaving a rich tapestry of plot and character development that captivates fans of epic fantasy. The plot is a thrilling rollercoaster, deftly balancing intense action with deep emotional undercurrents. Merlin, portrayed as both powerful and vulnerable, is a deeply nuanced character whose journey of redemption is compelling. The secondary characters, from the enigmatic members of the Order to Merlin's allies, are equally well-developed, adding layers of intrigue and depth. The world-building is exceptional, seamlessly integrating elements of modern society with ancient magic, creating a setting that feels both familiar and fantastical. The Future King will undoubtedly appeal to readers who relish intricate fantasy worlds and timeless battles between good and evil, making it a must-read for fans of the genre. Fantasy fans should definitely add this to their list of summer reading. It’s well worth it.