The Golldooney’s Garden

Children - Picture Book
24 Pages
Reviewed on 06/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Golldooney's Garden is a children's picture book by Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo. The story follows the day-to-day lives of the different creatures living in Mr. and Mrs. Golldooney's beautiful garden. One early spring morning, a Ladybug and her friend, Mr. Bumblebee, were nourishing themselves on the flower petals when they decided to venture toward the other side of the garden, where they saw a luscious-looking geranium flower patch and hedges of extravagant daisies. The two friends also noticed a well-trimmed melon patch. Mr. and Mrs. Golldooney are participating in this year's upcoming vegetable contest, so everything in the garden looks neatly trimmed and well-organized. This is the best time of the year for the fairies, the birds, and the insects living in the garden. With the different vegetables, they have everything they need to thrive.

Follow the heartwarming adventures of a whole host of different creatures living in The Golldooney's Garden. Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo has built a rich ecosystem in this garden, so much so that it feels like an entire world. There is something wholesome in reading about vegetable patches, flowers, and different types of creatures living side by side in perfect harmony in a beautiful garden. Bachoo's worldbuilding is top-notch. The narrative is not necessarily plot-driven. Instead, the author focuses on creating a vibrant world in which young readers can immerse themselves. The language is accessible and easy to grasp, and it makes for a smooth and enjoyable reading experience. This is the kind of book that can instill a love for nature in children at a young age. Recommended to young readers and their parents alike.

Shrabastee Chakraborty

Mr. and Mrs. Golldooney live with their pet dog in a house complete with a magnificent garden. The garden, boasting beautiful flowers and countless vegetables, also serves as a playground for numerous visitors. Apart from the insects and birds who frequent the scene, some fairies often come calling. However, with an award ceremony approaching soon, the inhabitants are concerned. Will the Golldooneys win the prize for the best garden? Will they restrict entry to some of the visitors, like the worms? What will happen in the food contest? Find out in The Golldooney’s Garden, a picture book by Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo.

I loved how Bachoo made the garden come alive in all its glory. The vivid descriptions portray the lush garden with a vibrant summer look. The whimsical prose perfectly resembles the ramblings of an excited child keen to tell their story. With one thought overlapping another, the unconventional writing style creates a magical tapestry. The eye-catching illustrations on each page further add to the charm. The sheer number of visitors, including bumble bees, ladybugs, butterflies, spiders, and birds, is perfect for creating a preliminary concept of biodiversity in a young audience. Parents could teach youngsters the significant roles these pollinators play, also explaining why worms are vital to keeping soil fertile. The lists of vegetables will help children learn to identify each item while also becoming aware of their nutritional values. The slight touch of the supernatural will keep young readers engaged. I recommend The Golldooney’s Garden to readers aged 2-5 years.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

The Golldooney's Garden is a children's picture book by Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo. Ladybug and Mr. Bumblebee enjoy the sunshine as they wander contentedly into Mr. and Mrs. Golldooney's garden. The Golldooneys are preparing for two vegetable contests and hope they win. They plan to compete in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and take the produce from their flourishing gardens with them to the contests. As the Golldoonys travel on the train, their dog and the inhabitants of their garden go with them, showing their support. Bachoo classifies the animals as more than birds and butterflies, including their particular species. After the contest, the animals and insects gather for a friendly picnic with many "old-fashioned" foods. The author invites readers to enjoy the festivities.

The Golldooney's garden is alive with bugs, animals, and fairies, and Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo relates their travels. Bachoo focuses on the variety of vegetables and the benefits they provide to children's health, as the author includes conversations about their essential vitamins and minerals. The bugs and fairies converse politely, showing a unique friendship bond. Many of the characters and vegetables are displayed at the top of each page, giving young readers a visual representation of the colorful characters in the story. Children will discover bugs, like stick insects, dragonflies, and grasshoppers, as well as birds and butterflies, and improve their scientific knowledge. A bevy of garden friends supports the Golldoonys and enjoy the day. Young readers who delight in picture books about fairies and bugs will love The Golldoony's Garden.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

The Golldooney’s Garden by Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo is a fabulous children’s picture book. Mr. Bumblebee and the Ladybug group are quite happy foraging in the sunshine in Mr. and Mrs. Golldooney’s garden. The garden was beautiful, planted with lots of flowers, fruits, and vegetables, and well-tended by Mr. and Mrs. Golldooney, who love gardening with their dog, Mr. Bluster. There’s a contest coming up for the best vegetable garden, and the Golldooneys are hoping to win. As the contest gets underway, all the animals and insects that live in or around their garden come along, singing and chirping, and complimenting Mr. Golldooney on his wonderful efforts. Can they help him win a prize?

The Golldooney’s Garden by Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo is a wonderfully illustrated book for children. On one level, it’s a fun story about a lovely garden and everything that lives and grows in it, lovingly tended by Mr. and Mrs. Golldooney. On another level, it is an educational story, teaching kids about all the different insects and wildlife that live in a garden, how they help the gardener produce lovely plump fruits and veggies, and it also teaches about the nutritional benefits of eating lots of different fresh foods. The addition of the fairies was nice, a whimsical, fun touch that will delight kids, and the illustrations are bright and colorful, helping kids to picture the story more easily. This book is sure to delight young readers of all ages and teach them some important facts about wildlife and nutrition while they read. You never know, it may even encourage them to eat more healthy foods!

Michelle Stanley

“God made rainy days so gardeners could get housework done.” - Anonymous. The Golldooney’s Garden is a children’s picture book by Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo. Ladybug and Mr. Bumblebee enjoyed the sunny day while going from flower to flower. They joined more ladybugs and the group went to the other end of Mr. and Mrs. Golldooney’s garden. Beautiful geraniums and daisies grew in the garden, and it was a delight to sip their sweet nectar. The Golldooneys were also in the well-kept garden with their dog, Mr. Bluster. They spoke about the upcoming vegetable contest and assorted vegetables and fruits that grew in the garden and hoped they would be contest winners. The fairies, ladybugs, and other insects were fascinated with the beautiful garden and thought it deserved to win an award. The bumblebees and ladybugs held a party and everyone feasted on tasty nectar from fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They loved partying in the Golldooney’s Garden.

The Golldooney’s Garden by Chanmattee Lynnie Bachoo is a cute picture book for children. Young readers will learn about the different types of vegetables, fruits, and flowers grown in gardens and insects like dragonflies, grasshoppers, and fireflies. It’s a lively-paced story, with vivid descriptions that will make you want to go into your garden or start one. The illustrations are nice and brightly colored. I like the story’s theme and the author’s creativity. The Golldooney’s Garden is a fun little adventure that will hold a child’s attention while they learn about nature. I recommend this book for reading-aloud sessions.