The Goodwill Vultures Club

The Gift of the Vulture Volume 3

Children - Grade 4th-6th
128 Pages
Reviewed on 06/29/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Karen Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

The third book in The Goodwill Vultures Club series by Hugh Willard is called The Gift of the Vulture. In this book, the club members meet several special needs children. There are children with cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy and autism. After having met these new friends, the Vultures Club members decide to try to give the special needs friends a wonderful Christmas. One of the club members has a sister who is critically ill and in the hospital. The single mother parent is stressed to provide for her children and the club members search for a means to help out the family. As there is to be a Christmas play soon, they want to try to incorporate the theme of giving to the less fortunate in their play. However, their teacher assigns that theme to another group of students and the Vultures Club members then brainstorm other ideas. As the Christmas play date nears, they appear stymied as to what to do. At the last minute, an opportunity presents itself.

I liked the way author Willard defined his main characters. Each had personality and each had individuality. I also appreciated having special needs children included in everyday activities. The Gift of the Vulture is one of those books that parents like to introduce to children, particularly those who have little or no exposure to special needs children. I would also recommend it to parents with special needs children as the children can see themselves in common childhood activities. Buzz, Pee Wee and Caroline are adorable and empathetic role models for elementary-aged children.