The Gullwing Colony

Book Two of the Gullwing Odyssey Series

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
277 Pages
Reviewed on 08/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ankita Shukla for Readers' Favorite

Hilarious conversations and action scenes are foremost in The Gullwing Colony by Antonio Simon, Jr. Marco's job as a messenger is not easy for many reasons. Still, the main reasons are that he is one of four humans on a dragon island and that the dragons hate humans. He misses his land fondly and wishes to return; however, the only person who can pay for his way back is the one person who wishes to spend her entire life with him - Princess Dria. Although he has strong feelings for the princess, he doesn't think it's enough to hold him to Itudaeia, the Dragon Island. On one of his messenger routes, when he discovers a group of human colonists, his loyalty to the princess and Itudaeia forces him to prioritize helping the dragons first. This task becomes all the more difficult since humans have the backup of advanced firearms while the dragons must rely on their tactics and strategy.

Since The Gullwing Colony is book 2 in the Gullwing Odyssey series, a few basic questions are bound to occur to a reader; nevertheless, these do not take away from the overall pleasure of reading this story. Hysterical conversations stemming from a play on words or nonsensical battle rules ensured the humor quotient remained constant throughout the read. Antonio Simon, Jr. has weaved meaningful subjects, such as progress, equality, and love, into the plot without making the story political or serious. As a reader who was looking to read a combination of humor and fantasy, I am highly impressed. I recommend The Gullwing Colony by Antonio Simon, Jr. to action, humor, and fantasy lovers.