The Harrison Frigate

Fiction - Adventure
232 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Alan Edward Birch's The Harrison Frigate is a historical fiction novel set in 1800, when piracy was prevalent in the Mediterranean, and the government struggled to protect its ships and trade routes. The story follows the Harrison family, particularly Henry and his son Tim, as they build a fighting ship, a frigate, in their small shipyard. The story begins with Henry Harrison, the shipyard's owner, considering building a new ship to protect cargo boats. Henry's son Tim, who has been working at the shipyard since he was a young boy, is passionate about shipbuilding and is eager to take on this new project. The Harrisons propose their idea to the town's workers, who are initially hesitant but eventually agree to support the project. The shipyard begins to build the frigate, but they face many challenges, including securing cannons and other essential supplies without arousing suspicion from the government or rival shipyards. Can they successfully navigate the challenges ahead?

The Harrison Frigate is a tale filled with intrigue, dangerous enemies, and pirates. The historical setting is finely drawn and absorbs readers who enjoy seafaring narratives. The conflict between the Harrisons and the government is exceptionally explored. The author vividly portrays what it was like to be innovative in a context when the government bureaucracy was oppressive. Alan Edward Birch’s exploration of family, loyalty, and entrepreneurship is stellar. The characters are well-drawn and believable. Henry’s love for his family matches his passion for his work, and his desire to provide for them drives much of his decision-making. Tim's desire to prove himself as a capable shipbuilder is also an important theme throughout the plot. This novel is beautifully written with descriptive details that will grab readers. The appealing characters make great company.