The House of Shi

Book 2 in The World Beyond Trilogy

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
165 Pages
Reviewed on 09/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Adanna Ora for Readers' Favorite

After the last encounter Anna Luke and her son, David, had with Dr. Maximo Rojas, Anna knew that her son was better off far away with his grandfather in the United States, where he would be safe from the eyes of the evil ones. David's curiosity led him to an online site that promised an ancient spell to turn him into a dragon. Would it work? Anna is at work in Peru when a necklace donated to the university is stolen right in her presence. Scared of being wrongfully accused, she is determined to catch the thief and return the necklace. This quest will take her on a journey into her past and delve into her future, maybe the one that has her long-lost husband in it. The House of Shi by Amaia S. Li explores these amazing storylines.

Anyone who has read The Night of the Moon, Book 1 of the World Beyond series, will not be surprised at the level of excellence of The House of Shi. Amaia S. Li brings a different level of suspense, engaging conversations, and language to this book. I love the use of flashbacks and how the author carries the reader along with every scene. I also love the way David's and Anna's stories are told independently of each other and the perfect harmonization that comes at the end. The themes of youthful exuberance, love, decision-making, and regrets are also explored. I also like the fact that we learn a few Spanish words with their insertion into the stories and a separate part for interpretation. I recommend The House of Shi to lovers of science fiction.