The Key to Growing Up

A Children's book following a young girls magical wish to be a teenager

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Presley was a typical seven-year-old whose biggest wish was to be a teenager. In The Key to Growing Up, Dal Blocker shares Presley’s story of being granted her wish and the results of being a teen before it is time. Presley’s dog, Rex, digs up an old golden key with a magical glow. She takes it to show her grandmother, who tells her it is the key to the magical attic that grants wishes. Rushing into the attic, Presley stands before the enchanted mirror and wishes to be a teenager. While being a teen was fun initially, Presley soon learned she had more responsibility, chores, and homework. She misses her time playing silly games and relaxing with her family. Read this book to find out what happens next. Does Presley remain a teen or try to change back to a seven-year-old? Why should we embrace our life no matter what age we are? Also, be sure to look for the hidden key on each page.

The Key to Growing Up by Dal Blocker is a children’s picture book that will delight kids of all ages. This story is enhanced by wonderful illustrations by Helda Clara. As a counselor for over forty years, the most frustrating thing I found that concerns most children is wanting to be older so they can do what the older kids do. If we can be any age we want, what would it be? For older adults, it tends to be younger, while young children want to be older. There are many benefits of each age, as well as many pitfalls. Reading this book with and to your child will enable you to discuss the value of each age. This is a fun book that your child will enjoy.