The Last Gun-Shark

The Early Days

Fiction - Western
228 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

The Last Gun- Shark: The Early Days by Joe Corso features all the classic elements of a Western with a strong and admirable hero, sheriffs in lawless towns, a connection to Native American culture, an endless stream of outlaws, and plenty of action-packed gunfights. After his discharge from the Confederate army, Sergeant Brazos Kane embarks on a journey to California to visit his sister. However, reaching Sacramento is not as easy as he thinks. Never one to shy away from a gunfight, especially when the lives of the innocent are at risk, Brazos makes enemies as fast as he gathers friends and admirers. As he moves west toward California, his skill with the gun has him fending off job offers, romance, and gun-toting outlaws keen for revenge.

In The Last Gun Shark, Joe Corso creates a compelling story from beginning to end. The true standout was Brazos, whose strength of character and firm ideals made him a hero readers could easily relate to and connect with. Corso explored various themes, such as personal integrity and the morality of standing up for what’s right, and how these values define true heroism in the face of adversity. He also explored the tension between law and order and how violence was sometimes a necessary evil in this setting. I appreciated Corso’s portrayal of the Apache culture as it was both respectful and insightful. He managed to weave their story into the narrative, allowing the reader to gain an understanding of their role and significance in American history. After the gripping conclusion, I can’t wait to meet Brazos again.