The Lies They Told

Fiction - Suspense
398 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Lies They Told by Mary Perrine is a riveting tale of suspense. Nobody ever saw Jane. All her life, she was there but invisible. The day she went missing, her face was everywhere – now, everyone saw her. Jane had spent her life in other people’s shadows until that one day, that one phone call that turned her world upside down and sent her running for her life. Someone wants her dead, but who? Her abusive husband, Sean? Her parents, whom she hasn’t spoken to in years? Her sisters? Or is everyone in on it, working together to bring her down? Jane can’t trust anyone, but now that she’s on the missing person list, the lies are uncovered, and she begins to see just how much her life has been manipulated and just how many people are involved in the betrayal. Now that she’s on the list, it all becomes clear.

The Lies They Told by Mary Perrine is a must-read for anyone who loves a good, twisty thriller. This book had me gripped from the start, a compelling story that draws you into its web. The story is told from Jane’s POV, but it bounces between adult Jane and her younger self. A word of warning – this book has scenes of child and adult abuse that could be a trigger for some people. The plot is full of twists and turns that will leave you dizzy, but every word in this book plays a part in the ending – a real jaw-dropping surprise that you won’t see coming. You might think you’ve got it all figured out, but then the narrative goes in a completely different direction and takes you right back to the start. The characters are very strong, and you’ll get to know the main protagonist, Jane, incredibly well in this story of betrayal, lies, and manipulation. Seriously, if you love a good psychological thriller that keeps you hooked all the way through, this is the book for you,