The Life After

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
340 Pages
Reviewed on 10/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

In The Life After by Deidra Lookingbill, Penelope Porter, or Nell, gets ready to spend her sixteenth birthday at a boring family reunion, as her great-aunt, also named Penelope, has her birthday on the same day. But Nell is in a car accident. She finds herself on the side of the road and sees a decapitated body nearby. Soon, Nell realizes that the body belonged to her. A strange and impatient woman calls her name, claiming she is Nell's afterlife guide. Is Nell too young to die, and should she be "recycled"? The mysterious Triad says that Nell is old enough to withstand the trials. They call her "C2R" and promise the help of the other five spirits during the trials. Still shocked and confused, all Nell wants is to see her family again. Will she find the inner strength to face the many challenges of the afterlife?

Some books stay with the reader forever, and Deidra Lookingbill's The Life After is one of them. This eloquently written tale is thrilling, a bit scary, and heartwarming at the same time. Nell shares her story with a touch of self-irony. While the first-person narrative always appeals to me, this thought-provoking account of afterlife adventures will take a special place among my all-time favorite books. The novel starts on an intriguing note, promising incredible revelations. Although the author sets the tone from the beginning, she keeps surprising us with each unexpected turn. Deidra skillfully combines absurdity with mystery and bases Nell's story on a one-of-a-kind philosophy. The author offers unusual world-building and crafts vivid and memorable characters, like a fearless Marine named Mike and the bit annoying yet funny Denise. Nell becomes even more lovable after every trial in this coming-of-age novel. I highly recommend it to adult readers, too.