The Lightcap

Fiction - Science Fiction
224 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2013
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Author Biography

Dan Marshall (1980-) was born in Columbus, Ohio, at the emergence of the internet age. He got his first computer, an IBM PC/AT, in 1984, and it was the beginning of a life-long love of technology. He also grew up with books, following L'Engle and Asimov and Clarke through wondrous universes teeming with possibilities. He enjoys merging these two interests to create stories for the next generation of readers.

He briefly lived in Pittsburgh and Sarasota before moving to Portland, Oregon, in 2011. By day, he resolves escalated technical issues for a non-profit in the education sector. By night, he sleeps.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lit Amri for Readers' Favorite

Adaptech merged with Brain Sync, a company that pioneered technology known as the Mind Drive, which allowed the user to control electronic devices through thought alone. Unexpectedly, Brain Sync licensed the Mind Drive to Adaptech for a reasonable fee, making Adaptech widely successful in the market by having a sole license for sought-after technology. Adam Redmon is the new manager of the Programming Division for the Mind Drive version 6 project – the Lightcap. However, he discovers hidden secrets about Lightcap that directly puts him in danger, hunted by certain individuals that want the secrets to stay hidden. The Lightcap is an exciting cyber tale by Dan Marshall.

This futuristic story does not seem far-fetched to me. I personally believe The Lightcap is attainable, it is just waiting for our present technology to catch up a bit further. Other than the perfectly blended concepts and a great premise, I absolutely like Dan Marshall’s writing style. I normally put a distance between myself and cyberpunk fiction, but not with The Lightcap.

On the other hand, the back story is a little lengthier than I prefer. Also, not all characters are well-rounded. The protagonist, Adam Redmon, is supposed to be the center of characterization but I gravitated more towards the enigmatic Sera Velim, the former head of Brain Sync. Despite its flaws, this is still a solid read and undeniably entertaining. I do see the unquestionable sequel hint in the ending – which is brilliant by the way – and I want to read more work from Dan Marshall. His concepts are among the best in the science fiction genre and I believe he will only get better from here.