The Lonely Parrot

Children - Fable
30 Pages
Reviewed on 06/17/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joy Hannabass for Readers' Favorite

Sammy’s mom bought JoJo, the parrot, at a pet store, because he was so beautiful. JoJo was very happy with his best friend, Sammy, because Sammy would take him out of his cage and play with him every day; it was so much fun! But as the days, months and years passed by, Sammy got busy with other things in his life and no longer had time for JoJo. He would have to stay in his cage alone all of the time and was so very sad and lonely. Do you think JoJo can be happy again? What do you think will make him happy?

This is an adorable story about JoJo, the parrot, with outstanding illustrations throughout the book. The cover is adorable and the shades of green and blue are really pretty. The colors used inside the book are beautiful; I just love how well they blend together, and I love the lettering used. The parrot is precious and even the little spider is cute! The story emphasizes the care involved in taking care of a parrot and especially the need to show love and affection to them. I loved what happened at the end, because it shows that Sammy was responsible enough to do what was best for his friend JoJo after all.

I think this sweet loveable story would be perfect on any child’s bookshelf, as well as any public or school library.

Alan A.

Great book for showing children, in a fun way, the importance of making sure animals, especially birds, stay in a loving, caring home.


Have given copies to friends with grandchildren and also donated one to our church library. Librarian who retired from a publishing house was very impressed. Artist and illustrators have been very complimentary of the book.




A wonderful story that all childen will enjoy. or Those that are not able to read , the illustrations are second to none

Cheryl Campbell

This delightful story tells the tale of a Parrot who is neglected, but finally finds love with a great family. It has wonderful and colorful illustrations that bring Jojo to life. It emphaizes that everyone and every animal needs love and attention. it helps children understand the care and responsiblity of having a parrot or any pet. Great job!!