The Lost Erwain

The Erwain Trilogy

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
336 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ibrahim Aslan for Readers' Favorite

Makayla Wood has big plans for her future. At age twelve, she started her own business. At age seventeen, she has an interview at Harvard, which will determine her admission into their law program. However, during her interview, Makayla blacks out and doesn't know why. Seeking answers, she confronts her parents, then unexpectedly sprouts wings on her back. They reveal that she's a faerie from a magical world called Garlandia. In search of more answers, Makayla travels to Garlandia to learn her true identity. She meets a charismatic royal elf, Toby, but they are forbidden from pursuing a romantic relationship because of the established laws of the land. A powerful force is threatening Garlandia. Someone, or something, is turning the occupants of the land into statues. Makayla needs to discover who/why and stop it soon. Will her story have a favorable outcome, or will she fall prey to this unknown threat? Get a copy of The Lost Erwain by Mariah Stillbrook, and join Makayla on this riveting journey today.

The Lost Erwain superseded my expectations. Makayla is a strong female lead. She is confident, capable, and highly organized. During the story, she learns to tame her constant need for control, which shows real character growth on her part. The novel has the perfect combination of magical rudiments, fantasy, and mystery. It is also backed by growing chemistry between Makayla and her love interest. Their budding romance is sure to keep romantic readers fully satiated. The storyline, plot, and compelling dialogue are all well-executed. I was captivated and entertained during my reading experience. Even the world-building is detailed and robust. You get a good understanding of Garlandia and its citizens. I enjoyed getting to know the culture and the layout of the land and its fae folk. Mariah Stillbrook delivers a mesmerizing tale due to her stellar writing skills. It was like reading The Chronicles of Narnia all over again. Fantasy lovers will be pleased.