The Lost Portal

The Mirror Realm Series, Book II

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
344 Pages
Reviewed on 09/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Lost Portal, the second book in The Mirror Realm Series by Lenore Borja, is a young adult fantasy novel that follows Hadley Caldwell, a former demon hunter, as she embarks on a quest to find the legendary Portal of Osiris. Tasked by ancient gods who invade her dreams, Hadley reunites with her huntress sisters for a globe-trotting adventure filled with magic, mystery, and danger. As they navigate the sands of Egypt and beyond, Hadley learns that the gods may not be trustworthy and that some mysteries are better left unsolved. Borja brings all the vivid excitement of mythology and fantasy into this dramatic adventure novel, creating a richly immersive world that captivates the imagination from cover to cover.

As a YA novel, the characters have to be engaging and likable for readers to want to stay invested, and the dynamic character development between Hadley and her sisters is beautifully pitched for us to root for them all no matter what challenges lie ahead. Some fantastic dialogue exchanges feel appropriate for the epic setting, but the emotions are truly relatable to YA readers today, keeping everything relevant and never stuck in an old-fashioned view of the genre. Borja’s pacing and suspenseful narrative keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to unravel the mysteries of the plot, which are suitably varied and well-timed never to leave readers without action for too long. Overall, The Lost Portal by Lenore Borja continues the Mirror Realm Series with fantastic pacing and drama, and I would recommend it and the series in general to fantasy readers everywhere.