The Lumen Caligo


Fiction - Adventure
295 Pages
Reviewed on 08/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily Maynard for Readers' Favorite

Cyrus Ganymede was left on Martin’s doorstep as a baby. Martin has protected and looked after him for the last 11 years, been his caregiver, and more, as Cyrus has a degenerative condition that leaves him wheelchair-bound and in need of full-time care. Cyrus is also a child prodigy, has graduated middle school 3 years early, and has been signed up to help tutor transfer students over the summer. Who would believe that a friendship formed in a classroom would lead to Cyrus finding out that everything he thought he knew about himself, and the world, was a lie? Circumstances suddenly change when Martin has to leave urgently. Cyrus’ new friend Auli’i, her twin brother Kimo, and their mother are looking after him and helping him learn how to use his body, which is atrophied and fragile after years of sedation and induced paralysis, and his newly discovered wings, which had been carefully hidden under layers of prosthetic skin. As he learns to walk, Cyrus learns the lore and accepts that he is the Lumen Caligo, a prophesied being born once every 350 years to lead and protect their people. When Martin calls and tells them their home may no longer be safe, Cyrus and the twins embark on a journey to lands unknown, hoping that as well as a place of refuge, they might find answers to their many questions. The Lumen Caligo: Fallen by Lawrence C. Cobb is an enthralling tale of discovery, friendship, and adventure.

This book was a delight from start to finish. It’s beautifully written, engaging, and highly entertaining. The reader follows Cyrus’ journey as he learns about parts of the world, and his life, that he hadn’t known existed. He has a magnificent character arc, having to physically recover from years of being bound and sedated while also adjusting his thinking and regulating his emotions to become the revered Lumen Caligo. The story varies in pace, with some earlier chapters focusing on a specific event or interaction, while others cover a whole day or a detailed action sequence. Interestingly, this seems to reflect Cyrus’ energy levels and recovery as the story develops. The way Lawrence C. Cobb creates this new version of our world, and the lore surrounding it, is truly astounding. It’s detailed, but fully comprehensible, and brings the reader into a new, exciting realm where anything could happen next. Thematically, Fallen includes relatable topics such as friendship and loyalty, while also touching on the more complex ideas of good vs. evil and destiny vs. free will. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I loved the way each character had a purpose to fulfill in Cyrus’ story, whether they knew it or not. I especially loved his relationship with the twins Auli’i and Kimo, as they became more like siblings to him than friends, their shared “do or die” mentality paving the way for adventure and adversity. Fallen is extraordinary, an instant rival to the big hitters of modern fantasy fiction. Honestly, I’m still getting over the ending, but am greatly looking forward to the next installment of the series, so I can find out what happens next!