The Mah Jongg Murders

Fiction - Mystery - General
288 Pages
Reviewed on 11/15/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Mah Jonng Murders by Linda G Pirtle is a murder mystery. Lillian Prestridge lives an easy life with her husband, Bill, in their gated community home, but that is all about to change. One morning, she sees a beautiful standard poodle, apparently ownerless and covered in blood. He wants Lillian to follow him and so she does, discovering a body. Lillian decides to get involved in the investigation and offers to help the county sheriff, her son Jake, solve the murder. Joining them is the Chief of Security at Leisure Lake, Grant Perryman, and between them they work hard to solve the murder. Then another body is found and life becomes more difficult for all of them. Can Lillian catch the murderer or is she about to become a victim?

The Mah Jonng Murders by Linda G Pirtle is an intriguing story, written in such a way that I just had to keep on reading it. It is one of those stories that dictates how you read it, with a real need to know what is going to happen next. Every time I decided to put the book down and leave it, something else would happen that meant I couldn’t! This an excellent book, one of the best murder mystery stories I have read for a while. Both the story and characters are believable and the characters incredibly likeable. They are all very well developed and the way they are written allows you to get to know them throughout the story. This is a good thing because the story ended with lots of questions that could well be answered in the next book. Great read, definitely looking forward to the next one!