The Moon, Her Crown

Fiction - New Adult
242 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Donna Parrey for Readers' Favorite

The Moon, Her Crown by Christine Meade is a new adult novel that explores generational relationships and expectations. Twenty-year-old Lacy and her older brother Stephen live with their grandmother who is the owner of Martinique’s Mystics in San Francisco. While Lacy’s mom Chartreuse has been away and not in touch with her family for a year, Lacy endeavors to keep the family business running by offering tarot card readings. But Granny’s propensity for drinking too much and wearing too little is endangering the family’s ability to stay afloat financially. Since Chartreuse, a well-known photographer, has been known to take an annual summer trip to Small Harbor, Maine, where she grew up, Lacy trusts her intuition and takes a trip across the country to hopefully find her mom and get some help for the family issues back home.

Author Christine Meade is adept at creating a sense of place, both in the family’s funky San Francisco shop and in the warm, welcoming Maine home of Chartreuse’s childhood friend, Diana, married with two young adult daughters herself. The differences are notable, and Lacy is drawn back to the rocky beaches where she spent many summers in the past. The Moon, Her Crown adeptly covers many of the emotional issues that young adults face – love, jobs, looming adulthood, siblings, friends, parents, grandparents, disappointments, and responsibilities – and readers will find themselves easily drawn into the intricacies of the storyline. The book wraps up with a satisfying ending that reflects both life’s realities and Lacy’s mindset. The novel is a comfortable fit for the young adult reader.