The Mountain Whippoorwill

Or, How Hill-Billy Jim Won the Great Fiddlers' Prize

Fiction - Tall Tale
42 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

The Mountain Whippoorwill (Or, How Hill-Billy Jim Won the Great Fiddlers' Prize) is a folktale originally written by Stephen Vincent Benet and retold by John McEuen, with illustrations by Jas Ingram and Buddy Finethy. The story follows Hill-Billy Jim, a young man born in the mountains with a remarkable talent for playing the fiddle. Whenever Jim plays, he can make everyone around him, including animals like frogs and birds, come together to dance and revel in joy. One day, he travels to the Essex County Fair, where all the famous and experienced fiddlers come to have a contest. Hill-Billy Jim plays his heart out and weaves a spell with his music that captivates the audience, emerging victorious against all odds.

The Mountain Whippoorwill is an inspiring story that embodies the values of humility, self-belief, and the joy of sharing with others, making it a compelling tale that will resonate with many readers. By presenting it through song, the message can be conveyed in a way that is both accessible and memorable, inspiring others to chase their dreams and never give up. The book also celebrates nature and the calm surroundings that inspire musicians to create truly beautiful and meaningful masterpieces. The story has the power to bring people together and spread positivity, making it a heartwarming and uplifting tale for all ages. I particularly liked the colorful illustrations that bring the characters and scenes to life, transporting readers to the charming old English countryside and fairs. I enjoyed this book and heartily recommend it for its inspiring and motivating message.