The Murder of King Tut

The Plot to Kill the Child King

Fiction - Thriller - General
352 Pages
Reviewed on 11/03/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

The Murder of King Tut: The Plot to Kill the Child King is a insightful blend of fact and fiction. This book weaves the past and present. James Patterson and Martin Dugard skillfully investigate the boy king. They share their steps in research and then take the reader back in time to reenact Howard Carter’s discovery of Tut’s tomb and back to Tut’s time to take a look at history they way they believe it happened.

This book actually begins with Tut’s father, Akhenaten. Tut was only nine when he gained the throne. In this book he dearly loved his sister and married her. They did not produce a male heir. Those surrounding Tut were treacherous and never loyal to him. They had their own ambitions.

This book is called a non-fiction thriller. I think that maybe stretching it a bit. While it is based on some fact it is still speculation. I enjoyed this book but cannot say it is fact. I do not believe there is enough true evidence to declare the text as fact. I expected something much deeper but found this to be a light but extremely enjoyable read.