The Naked President

Fiction - Thriller - General
414 Pages
Reviewed on 03/26/2014
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Author Biography

Jabulani Nzilane is the author of the following books, 1. The Divine Truth Setting Us Free: A Christian Conspiracy to rule the world. 2. Through Horus' Eye. 3. Alphology. 4. The Naked President. The latter is a fiction novel with a direct inference to matters taking place in the political scenario in South Africa. He is currently working on his upcoming novel titled The 8th tablet of Ammisaduqa which will be released later during 2014.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Barbara Garcia for Readers' Favorite

The Naked President by Jabulani Nzilane is the story of several people who have their lives affected by an ancient evil known as the Asasabonsam, an African vampire. This evil has been called upon by Rose, an assistant to the President of Africa to help him maintain power, and in effect she becomes the power as she controls the evil. Bronte, a Wiccan priestess and psychology lecturer, and Zweli, an investigative journalist, find themselves teamed up to find out what's happened to their significant others. When Bronte and Zweli realize the true horror that's been unleashed, he enlists the aid of Mama, a Voodoo priestess. Five major religions come together in the battle against this evil. With two of the Asasabonsam killed, there remains a child, one that is even more powerful than the first two, his parents. In an earth-shaking final battle, only one side can emerge victorious, but not without deaths left in aftermath.

The Naked President by Jabulani Nzilane is an interesting look at the African legend of an Asasabonsam, an African vampire, of which I was unaware of until I read this book. Jabulani Nzilane did a good job of weaving his story around this legend. The characters are quite descriptive, as are the numerous erotic sex scenes in the book. Bringing five major religions together to combat the evil they face is not something I've read in a story recently, and though most of these religious leaders don't come into play until the final third of the story, their significance in helping to defeat the evil is obvious.


Reviewed by Barbara Garcia for Readers' Favorite

The Naked President by Jabulani Nzilane is the story of several people who have their lives affected by an ancient evil known as the Asasabonsam, an African vampire. This evil has been called upon by Rose, an assistant to the President of Africa to help him maintain power, and in effect she becomes the power as she controls the evil. Bronte, a Wiccan priestess and psychology lecturer, and Zweli, an investigative journalist, find themselves teamed up to find out what's happened to their significant others. When Bronte and Zweli realize the true horror that's been unleashed, he enlists the aid of Mama, a Voodoo priestess. Five major religions come together in the battle against this evil. With two of the Asasabonsam killed, there remains a child, one that is even more powerful than the first two, his parents. In an earth-shaking final battle, only one side can emerge victorious, but not without deaths left in aftermath.

The Naked President by Jabulani Nzilane is an interesting look at the African legend of an Asasabonsam, an African vampire, of which I was unaware of until I read this book. Jabulani Nzilane did a good job of weaving his story around this legend. The characters are quite descriptive, as are the numerous erotic sex scenes in the book. Bringing five major religions together to combat the evil they face is not something I've read in a story recently, and though most of these religious leaders don't come into play until the final third of the story, their significance in helping to defeat the evil is obvious.

Charles Molele, a Johannesburg-based journalist and writer

“The Naked President is the most extraordinary book, quite unique and the most illuminating study of leadership, abuse of power and personal enrichment in post-colonial Africa”.


The Naked President is one of the best novels to come out of Africa. The is neither patronizing nor friendly to corrupt leaders. It is a no-holds barred approach book


You have not read anything until yo read this book. You will understand what leadership is not.


The world is ready for this book. You can check it for yourself.


The book is perfect for lovers who want to spice up their bedroom life.


My brother I hope this book wins an award for the best book to ever been written about South African politics/sexuality.


Well done my brother, you deserve a medal for this book. They should honour you in the National Awards.