The Overlay

Fiction - Womens
19 Pages
Reviewed on 04/18/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lori A. Moore for Readers' Favorite

The Overlay by Mercedes Blanche is a very well-written short story that blends romance and drama. When I say short, I really mean short – just 19 pages. The cover is very nicely done and sets the scene for what you expect the book to contain. Armand is in Paris on business when he unexpectedly meets Parisian Angelique on the metro train. Hitting it off immediately, they go for coffee, then dinner, then dancing, then ... well you’ll have to read the book to find out more, but it's not exactly what you're thinking. The scenes were descriptive, especially depicting streets and places in Paris, bringing back my memories of one short day in that beautiful French city. You won’t be expecting the twist that comes at the end.

Mercedes Blanche has written an entertaining short story in The Overlay. It is quite clever. While at first I wasn't sure what to expect when romance seemed to be the end game of the story, I was pleasantly surprised when the drama took over. The Overlay will delight your senses with wonderfully written depictions of the backdrop of the story, spark your interest in what appears to be a budding romance between Armand and Angelique, and impress you with how the story takes an interesting turn that has your jaw dropping. Blanche has done a great job of combining two genres into an entertaining story for readers of different types of fiction.