The Perfect Blend

The Tea Shop Series

Christian - Fiction
248 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tammy G. for Readers' Favorite

I love tea! Hot or cold in a glass or in a cup but I truly enjoy tea when shared with a friend and gourmet conversation. "Reading The Perfect Blend" by Trish Perry was like sitting in a sweet, comfy tea parlor and enjoying fragrant tea along with blends of conversations floating in the air. Ahhh... what a wonderful, comfortable way to spend an afternoon!

This story is centered around a lovable young lady, Steph, who seems to have lost her way. She lost her way, but not on purpose;through life challenges where she didn't see the bend in the road coming. Milly, a truly compassionate lady, offers Steph a cup of tea and scones with clotted cream and raspberry jam. When Milly sees that Steph is crying and her heart is broken, she invites her into her tea shop. Milly owns the local tea shop and does a rousing business adding a dash of love and compassion to her friends, on the side.
Steph doesn't know what to think about Milly's unconditional love and acceptance even when Milly learns that Steph brought some of the trouble upon herself.

As Steph makes friends with Kendall, the dahlin' and dashin' bachelor, her heart begins to realize what true love should be. And then Rick, the runaway bridegroom, makes a side entrance....Oh, my stars!

This is one of those light reads filled with laughter ( I caught myself laughing out loud at a lot of Steph's "adventures") and a good dose of if --you can't laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at? I was reminded of the quote by Ethel Barrymore, "You grow up the day you have your first real laugh, at yourself." As Steph begins to laugh at herself for silly mistakes, she begins to see herself in a new light . . . a light filled with God's mercy, acceptance and love. Steph also begins to grow up and take responsibility for her actions. I don't think her life is changing because she begins to laugh at herself. No! I attribute the changes to the wonderful tea and scones! Now that's just my opinion but if you're not a tea drinker then you are missing the sweet goodness of life!

As the days progress Steph and Kendall begin to "run into each other" and Kendall begins to ant/like being with Steph.....and then Poof!....the other man, the runaway bridegroom, makes a showing and Steph really likes Rick.....

Even if you aren't a tea drinker and am not particularly fond of scones I believe that you'll still enjoy this 5 star lighthearted read with a sweet message!