The Power Of Networking

Strategies for Career Excellence, Job Development, and Building Greater Triumphs in Your Work

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
248 Pages
Reviewed on 08/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

The Power of Networking by Michael V. Morgan is designed to help individuals form and maintain business and personal relationships. Morgan discusses the way he built his network, the times when the people in his network informed him about jobs and the opportunities he extended to people in his network. Keeping in mind that his experiences may be different than others in the workforce, the author outlines the benefits of networking, like job opportunities, internal referrals, hard-to-get interviews, promotion, and help with your approach during an interview with a particular company figure. By using his experiences, Morgan details the power of mentorships to assist you as you climb the career ladder.

Michael V. Morgan explains when and where to start networking and then guides you through making connections as you move through your job search and career. The text was conversational, and it made me feel as if Morgan was my mentor, sharing his sage advice over a professional lunch. The book can benefit anyone, but it would be a substantial gift for a graduating high school senior. The author provides excellent advice about friend and study groups, finding extracurricular activities that will help you grow, and showing a healthy balance between coursework and free time at an early adult age. Like Morgan, once you are in a position to help others with information, you may consider sharing the wisdom in this book. Even though the material is mostly geared toward business, readers who want to build a network in any field will strongly benefit from reading The Power of Networking.