The Price We Pay

Young Adult - Social Issues
283 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Price We Pay by Nikki T. Anthony is a poignant young adult novel that delves into racial injustice and its repercussions in a small town. The story follows Zenetta Henchman, who becomes acutely aware of systemic racism after witnessing the fatal shooting of a Black neighbor, sparking her outrage over the lack of justice. As she and her best friend endure racially motivated police brutality, Zenetta faces a harrowing decision: remain silent to protect her family or speak out, knowing it may come at a cost. When her father is falsely accused of a crime, Zenetta must navigate the fraught landscape of truth and justice. Anthony tackles complex themes of racial injustice and police brutality with bold and confident narration, offering readers a raw and unfiltered look at systemic racism, wrapped up in a highly compelling drama.

Author Nikki T. Anthony skillfully captures Zenetta’s emotional journey from our first moments meeting this heartfelt protagonist, portraying her inner turmoil and growth as she grapples with difficult choices that no young person should experience. The authenticity of Zenetta’s experiences, from her persecution and outrage to her moments of doubt, comes straight from real life and is highlighted through emotive narration and perspective to allow anyone from any background to understand the struggle better. The author’s narrative voice is also engaging and vivid, drawing readers into Zenetta’s world to highlight the importance of speaking out against injustice, even when it comes with personal risk. Overall, The Price We Pay is a highly recommended read that offers a powerful message in combating systemic issues, ultimately empowering readers to advocate for change within their communities.

Nikki T. Anthony

Thank you so much for your thoughtful review of The Price We Pay. It means a great deal to know that Zenetta’s journey and the themes of racial injustice resonated with you. My goal in writing this book was to offer a raw and honest portrayal of the struggles faced by those who must make difficult choices in the face of injustice, and your words truly capture the essence of what I hoped to convey. I’m grateful that Zenetta’s story came across as both powerful and relatable, and I’m humbled by your recommendation. Thank you for championing the importance of speaking out and advocating for change. Your support helps to keep these critical conversations alive.