The Prince of Mist

Young Adult - General
224 Pages
Reviewed on 07/10/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Author Anna del C. Dye for Readers' Favorite

This YA tale of mystery and magic is read with a clear and pleasant voice. The CD’s were packed nicely in individual pockets.

The story speaks about a family with a very particular father who, one day, told the family to pack because they were going to move. Though the family didn’t like it, they all did as told, including mother. They would end up in a quaint little town with a lighthouse. Just before arriving, the little sister befriends a cat that the older brother and sister didn’t like at all. The little girl ending up in a coma at the local hospital just a few days latter and they blamed the cat.

Once in the new house, the older son meets a young man just barely older than himself. The young man tells him about the only library in town and the sixty books housed there. He also tells him about the sunken ship close to the lighthouse where he and his grandfather live. His grandfather is the only survivor of that old wreck and the creator of the lighthouse.

Strange things begin to happen in and around the town. Perhaps those lost in the sunken ship are not dead after all. Also their new friend’s grandfather is not telling them the whole truth.

The young man has fallen for the older sister and, because of that, both of their lives are at stake. In the meantime, the brother is trying to find out the truth from the grandfather and save his new friend from an old debt incurred by his real father. Dark powers are stirring in the little town...

I found the story a touch dark personally, because the author didn’t provide a happy ending. It left me with the feeling that, no matter what, evil will prevail, which I don’t believe.