The Pros & Cons of Becoming a Superhero

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
289 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In The Pros and Cons of Becoming a Superhero by Tara St. Pierre, Rebekah loves art, and she has created some characters such as Blue Lightning. She keeps a low profile, which means few followers in her webcomic. Umie is her best friend, and she enjoys much more financial freedom than Rebekah, which enables her to make the costume for Blue Lightning, which she wears to the fan convention. At the convention, Rebekah’s work gets more attention, and she even gets to meet Parker. After the convention, something strange happens to Umie, and she wakes up levitating above her bed. Did the last night's storm have anything to do with her current state? Umie doesn’t want anything to do with her recently acquired powers. How will things turn out?

The Pros and Cons of Becoming a Superhero by Tara St. Pierre is wonderfully written. A steady pace keeps the reader intrigued and eager to find out what happens in subsequent chapters as the plot unfolds. The seamless flow also left no room for confusion. I loved the vivid descriptions, which helped create a mental picture of what was happening, and I could see the character of Blue Lightning in my mind, which made the book more entertaining. Other things that stood out in the book are the value of good friendship, and this amazing work also got me thinking about how parental behavior might impact children. The characters were well developed, and the reader will also appreciate the easy-to-understand language used, which makes the book accessible to all kinds of readers. This was a good read, and I look forward to reading more by Tara.