The Red Ribbon

A Historical Thriller

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
306 Pages
Reviewed on 10/25/2014
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Author Biography

Rachel is an award winning author who grew up in Idaho, Texas, Utah and California attending 14 schools by the time she graduated high school. She never could quite settle down in one place and now lives in Singapore and Sydney with her husband. She can be found sitting up late at night reading anything with a compelling story line.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Heather Osborne for Readers' Favorite

The Red Ribbon by Rachel B. Ledge tells the story of a tragic turn of events in 1770s England. Julia Ridler finds herself tormented nightly by the murder of her best friend, Annie, by her almost betrothed, Roland de Claire. In her grief and madness, Julia is comforted by a man called Charles King. However, their subsequent marriage soon begins to unravel and secrets are forced to the surface that cause Julia to doubt that her husband is who he says he is. Assuming the role of investigator, Julia engages the help of a maidservant, Millie, as well as an indebted friend, Mary, to uncover the grave injustices of that fateful night she lost her friend.

Miss Ledge tells a captivating tale from start to finish. I was immediately drawn into this historical thriller. The side story about Julia’s sister all ties in nicely with that of Julia’s and I loved the added aspect of romance and love lost. Charles King was a believable villain and I was kept on the edge of my seat, wondering if he would in fact succeed in his dastardly plans. Julia’s visions of her friend were a nice added touch and reaffirmed the bond between the two friends. There were genuinely times when I feared for Julia, but her bravery to overcome all really struck me and I related to her plight. Clementine, Julia’s sister, was a fun character and her desire to flaunt all societal regulations made me smile. The Red Ribbon is an exciting, easy read and I enjoyed it very much.

Melinda Hills

Life was definitely not fair for women in the 1700s since they were considered the property of their husbands – especially when the husband had ulterior motives. This is what Julia encounters when she is tricked into marriage by Charles King, the disinherited brother of the man she really loves. The Red Ribbon by Rachel B. Ledge tells Julia’s story as she recovers from the death of her best friend, allegedly by the hand of Roland, her true love. The plot unfolds as Julia and her sister Clementine are forced under the guardianship of their uncle who is not man enough to stand up to his demanding wife. Marriage to Charles should have ‘solved’ Julia’s problems but his deceit slowly begins to surface, leaving Julia in a desperate position. In a day when marriages were arranged and approved by family, Julia has missed the opportunity for love, but Clementine grabs for her happiness in spite of the potential scandal. What happens to the young women is an amazing tale of strength and love with good facing the greed of men who only look out for their own well-being.

Rachel B. Ledge has written a wonderful story in The Red Ribbon. Strong characters who believe in justice and fight for what is right are set against the self-serving men of high society in England of the 1700s. With vivid descriptions and a wealth of historical depth, The Red Ribbon captures the interest and keeps the reader on edge rooting for Julia as she faces obstacle after obstacle. Romance, action, history and intrigue are packaged together within the cover of this great book.

Faridah Nassozi

Julia has spent several months recovering from the death of her best friend, a situation made even more painful by the fact that the best friend was killed by Roland, the man Julia loved. The circumstances of Annie's death and the scandal that followed drove Julia to insanity and left her shunned by society. Her situation changed for the better when Charles found her, comforted her, declared his love for her and asked her to marry him. Meanwhile, Roland was in jail, waiting to be hanged after being convicted of Annie's death. What would have become Julia's happy days, however, turned very grim as her husband Charles changed from the man she had married. Soon she was plunged into a nightmare of a marriage. With each passing day, Julia discovered more disturbing facts about her husband and realised how wrong she had been about everything. However, her husband was always one step ahead of her and she could not seem to solve the mystery of Annie's death and the tragic events that followed. Yet, her resolve remained strong as she plotted to bring the monster that was her husband to justice and avenge the dear lives taken from her.

The Red Ribbon by Rachel B. Ledge is a one-of-a-kind story with just the right doses of drama, thrills, unexpected twists, determination and a level of deceit and betrayal that is beyond comprehension. The story boasts a very unique and captivating plot, unforgettable characters and a writing style that brings everything to life flawlessly. The language and writing style are so fitting for the plot and setting that even if no specific places had been named or years been mentioned, I would still have been able to place the story in its intended era and setting. Rachel B. Ledge wrote the kind of story that tugs at your heart and the type of characters that will arouse such a deep emotional connection that you will remember them long after you have finished reading this novel.