The Retirement Income Shift

Getting the Most Mileage Out of Your Money

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
166 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Tim Sparks wrote The Retirement Income Shift to help people structure their portfolios for optimal cash flow while retaining their assets. Sparks shows his readers how to invest their money for income and set goals with a mindset change. The result helps them work with their current cash flow to add to retirement while supporting their needs. Sparks outlines a hybrid approach that mingles traditional income strategies with dividend-paying equities. The author takes readers through hypothetical situations, allowing them to see different techniques, and describes myths that may keep people from properly investing. Sparks details the issue, offers a solution, provides questions to ask an investment advisor, and helps readers determine the ideal way to better their financial futures.

You may think you have been advised properly by a financial manager, but that individual may have been recycling outdated or untrue information. Tim Sparks wants to help you and everyone else discover financial freedom for the years when you retire. Sparks spends time dispensing valuable financial information in a book meant to reach as many people as possible. If you have a basic working knowledge of investments and income, you will keep pace with his suggestions effortlessly. It always helps to have assets, but you also must cover monthly bills. Sparks illustrates a way to have assets and meet all your planned expenses. If you need a strategy to assist you with cash flow during retirement, The Retirement Income Shift: Getting the Most Mileage Out of Your Money is a great resource for retirement planning at any stage.