The Rubber Room

Volume 2

Romance - General
322 Pages
Reviewed on 08/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

The Rubber Room: Volume 2 by Ivan Bosanko continues the emotional journey of KateLynn "Katey" McCray and Jerry Landis against the backdrop of the 1950s. The narrative is rich in detail, effectively capturing the complex intertwining of personal and social issues during a tumultuous era in American history—a poignant exploration of love, commitment, and the impact of societal expectations on personal relationships. Katey and Jerry have been through a lot, but they have always managed to stick together. Their happiness is tested when a ruthless CEO becomes a formidable adversary to Jerry, even threatening him physically. Jerry and Katelynn must save not only their relationship but also their company. But do they have what it takes to succeed?

From the outset, Katey is depicted as a flawed and relatable character, struggling with her instincts and societal perceptions, especially as she navigates her relationship with Jerry. The societal pressures faced by women in the 1950s resonate throughout the book. Katey's struggle between her desires and the expectations of her strict Irish Catholic upbringing portrays a broader view of women's roles during that era. The interactions between characters, particularly those involving family dynamics and socio-economic limitations, illustrate the sacrifices made for love and the true meaning of family. The relationship between Jerry and Katey is brilliantly developed, and the author conveys Jerry’s stubbornness well. This war veteran won’t talk about the war. Ivan Bosanko writes in beautiful prose and fills the pages with captivating dialogues. The Rubber Room features lovable characters, a strong emotional and psychological conflict, and a romance that grows in intensity as the narrative moves forward, one that is not without its unique challenges.