The Santa Corner

Children - Picture Book
40 Pages
Reviewed on 01/06/2017
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rosie Malezer for Readers' Favorite

The Santa Corner is a children’s book written by Jakie Rodriguez and illustrated by Bee L. Hannah. Meghyn and Gracie are the best of friends. Gracie has so many amazing toys to play with when Meghyn visits, but when Meghyn notices many of them stacked in the corner, she asks why. Gracie and her mother explain to Meghyn that Santa sometimes runs out of toys and asks the boys and girls to put all toys they no longer want or play with into a corner, so his elves can collect them, fix them, and re-gift them to those who have been good. This way, nobody will miss out on getting a surprise from Santa.

It is rare to find a children’s book which is filled with such an excellent moral compass and compassion. Jakie Rodriguez’s tale of recycling, rather than throwing away old toys, teaches children that there are always others who are less fortunate than they are, and who would benefit from simply giving them a smile from a toy which is pre-loved and yet like new. I love the complete selflessness which The Santa Corner teaches. The illustrations are also bright and jump off the page at you, bringing the story to life. Well written and fun to read, The Santa Corner was a joy to read and I recommend it be read at story time, to children aged 4-12 years of age, as all children deserve to feel loved and cherished. A re-homed, recycled toy might be just what the doctor ordered to bring about a smile, along with hope for a better tomorrow.