The Secret Case of the Space Station Stowaways

Galactic Academy of Science

Children - Adventure
168 Pages
Reviewed on 12/21/2016
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Author Biography

In addition to her interest in all things space-related, Pat assists students with creating and developing their science & engineering projects for competition and has conducted related workshops at local schools & libraries. She is a long-time volunteer with the Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair and serves as co-chair and science mentor of the Brockton MA NAACP ACT-SO (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympic) program.

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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ray Simmons for Readers' Favorite

I loved The Secret Case Of The Space Station Stowaways by Patricia A. Monteith. I am a little embarrassed admitting that because it is so obviously a book for children. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I read a lot. In the right mood, I will read anything. But my first love, and in many ways my favorite genre today, is science fiction. I was born in 1958 so I grew up reading guys from the golden age of science fiction. Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and a host of other old school greats shaped my thinking and my life.

As an African-American, I couldn't help but notice how few people like me were represented in those books. I read them anyway. A good story is a good story. But I know that a story like The Secret Case Of The Space Station Stowaways would have been a great affirmation that minorities would be present and help build the great future that I feel humanity will one day build. Minority kids today probably take this kind of story and representation for granted. Growing up during the sixties in Alabama, I couldn't.

The Secret Case Of The Space Station Stowaways has so many references to and even biographies of great scientists of the past and present. The artwork is sublime and the story is funny and fun. I will recommend this book to every parent and kid that seem even mildly interested in finding something good to read together. It’s a win-win. Everyone will learn something and enjoy it. I did.