The Secret Gift

A Story of Enhancing the Future of Humanity

Fiction - Literary
300 Pages
Reviewed on 06/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In The Secret Gift: A Story of Enhancing the Future of Humanity by Joseph Tristan, Dr. Landon Rief, a gifted cardiothoracic surgeon, retires after thirty years from his medical practice. Landon revisited countries he and his late wife explored during their forty-five years of marriage. Landon's first stop was in Germany, where he met Adele, who informed him that he was born with a unique gift of healing and that it was her responsibility to help him understand his gift and offer assistance when required. Landon would go from Germany to England, Ireland, and back to Pittsburgh after Adele told him where he should go in a dream-like experience. With his extraordinary gift, Landon had to focus intensely, develop the ability to access his subconscious, and generate a force of energy to start the healing process.

The Secret Gift was an easy read, and the chapters flowed naturally one after the other. It is a wonderful story about angels, love, and miracles, and how they bless humanity. Joseph Tristan shows his passion for people and how we may support and believe in one another. Through his enthusiasm and unique ability to help others, Landon Rief made new friends, and I felt a connection to every family he supported during their illnesses. The author made a point of explaining certain sections in bold and using parentheses. I enjoyed reading this novel because it is so well written. It offered me hope that there are different ways that we may help one another and that miracles can really happen!