The Secret Hamlet

Harmonie Books Series

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
426 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

A perfect escape for lovers of fantasy, beautifully written in an intriguing political context, The Secret Hamlet by Judith Briles and Brian Barnes is the enthralling second book in the Harmonie Books series. In the 11th century, Nichol is a young mother escaping from Paris with her infant daughter and extended family. Pursued by ruthless foes, Nichol and her wolf-dog Shadow must rely on her growing powers and the guidance of the mysterious Lady to lead her family and those in need to the creation of Harmonie, a hidden sanctuary. As alliances are formed and secrets are revealed, Nichol must navigate the treacherous landscape of medieval politics and magic. Will she be able to protect her family and her newfound community, or will the forces of evil prevail?

The Secret Hamlet is well crafted, introducing fully developed characters, especially Nichol. Her unique abilities, and the gift of seeing and hearing others, give depth to her character. The novel explores themes of motherhood, love, magic, and protection as Nichol gives birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lucette, or Little Light. The birth is surrounded by a mysterious and magical atmosphere, with a bright light appearing in the room and Sacha, the midwife, fleeing in fear. There are hints about which side she might take, which helps build suspense. Judith Briles and Brian Barnes introduce unique elements into the plot to create suspense and mystery, such as the jeweled dagger, Nichol’s unusual friendship with the Queen of England, and the alliance with the Duke of Normandy. The prose is stellar, and the authors excel at creating focused scenes, balancing intense action scenes with moments of genuine human interactions. I enjoyed the eloquent narrative voice, the characters full of heart and vulnerability, and the intriguing plot.