The Silk Road Score

Fiction - Adventure
389 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Inga Buccella for Readers' Favorite

The Silk Road Score by Cathy L. Patrenos takes Grace, an American, and her British boyfriend Simon on a long and adventurous journey along the Silk Road. This story takes place in the 1970s when the road was dubbed the Hippie Trail. Although they don't consider themselves hippies, they end up with a collection of characters, all of whom indulge in hashish and other enhancements along the way. At the beginning of the book, stolen treasure from a church in Naples sets the wheels of their blue VW camper in motion. Simon is approached by an old partner in crime to smuggle the ancient relic into India for purchase by a dealer he may meet there.

Paternos has an admirable knack for telling several storylines simultaneously. There is no shortage of suspense, violence, drug use, and "bloody" language in this entertaining novel. I enjoyed reading about the personal love lives of this traveling motley crew, the Interpol involvement in the hunt, and the surprise ending! But most of all I learned much about the mysterious and centuries-old Silk Road. From Genghis Khan's invasions to the history of locations like Persia, Kathmandu, and Delhi, I feel I have gazed up at the Pir Panjal Mountains from my shikara on Dal Lake. Sadly, the Silk Road can no longer be traveled since it closed in 1980. Thanks to The Silk Road Score by Cathy L. Patrenos, we can now dream of such a journey while sipping a cup of green chai.