The Siren's Sister

Fiction - Fantasy - General
345 Pages
Reviewed on 09/20/2022
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Author Biography

R. M. Dilleen is a multi-genre author who writes novels which can explore the frontiers of science, delve into the paranormal, or contain a sprinkle of fantasy. Her stories often examine philosophical ideas, the eternal struggle between good and evil, and the human experience. The author keeps a sense of humor throughout and surprises the reader with exciting twists and turns along the way.
Dilleen embraces the joy of story telling to entertain the reader with memorable characters and bold, action packed adventures. If you want to escape the ordinary and simply enjoy a good book, you have come to the right place.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

The Siren's Sister by R. M. Dilleen follows Deandra, a graduate student who simply wanted to help a friend out by house-sitting when she gets tossed into a world full of mythical creatures and mayhem. Deandra never would have believed that mythical creatures, spirits, and magic existed if she hadn’t seen them with her own eyes and she surely wouldn’t have expected to be a part of this other world. An exciting adventure awaits her whether she’s prepared for it or not.

The Siren's Sister by R. M. Dilleen was a refreshing fantasy story with a female lead that managed to steer clear of the Mary-Sue archetype. Deandra had the right balance between a kind, trusting, and almost naïve personality while still leaving room to show her fierce side. I enjoyed her as the female lead in this story and I think Dilleen did a marvelous job in creating not only the characters but in the world-building as well. Dilleen’s writing is just descriptive enough without becoming overly wordy, which sets a nice tone throughout. We see classic mythical creatures appear in this book, but each character is unique with their traits and interesting backstories. I enjoyed the book, especially the almost slow-burn action and subtle hints of romance throughout. The story focused more on the protagonist and her unknown past instead of just a fated romantic connection. The book sets itself apart in many ways and I would recommend it to any reader looking for a good fantasy tale.

Nicholus Schroeder

The Siren’s Sister by R. M. Dilleen is a fantasy novel about the grand adventures of an unlikely heroine in Sylfavaron. It all began for Deandra after answering a phone call at her temp job. They came for her soon after, evil spirits from the other side, and forced her to flee through a mysterious portal to Sylfavaron. In time Deandra adapts to the strange world she warped into and befriends a few of the locals. As she spends more time there, she uncovers hard truths concerning her father. Her search for answers will test her resolve, and she may well lose what remains of her humanity for the burden of truth is weighty. Join Deandra and her companions on their grand quest through the treacherous yet beautiful world of Sylfavaron.

The Siren’s Sister started strongly and held my interest for most of its duration. I liked the way Deandra developed as a character throughout the book. She was naturally overwhelmed from the outset by the world in which she found herself, but grew as a person and fighter as she became more familiar with Sylfavaron. The plot is unusual and character dialogue serves as the main vehicle to propel it forward. R. M. Dilleen satisfied my curiosity regarding Sylfavaron while taking care to avoid the dreaded info dump. The pacing is great and breathes life into every scene, be it a light moment or a life-threatening situation, and the control over the pacing made for some interesting combat incidents. This is a great fantasy book and one that fans of the genre will appreciate for its originality and strong characters.

Trevor Otieno

R.M. Dilleen's The Siren's Sister is a must-read in which Deandra explores a foreign world while unwittingly fulfilling an old prophecy. Deandra’s entire existence is turned upside down when she accepts a job substituting for someone who is on maternity leave and finds herself in a brand-new realm filled with secrets she had no idea existed. As Deandra advances, she learns more about her past and who she is meant to be. As she battles with invisible forces and adversaries she has never met, impossible imaginings become her new reality. Before meeting new people and deciding to follow her heart, all Deandra wanted to do was return to her former life, where she felt at ease. She must ultimately decide which fate to accept.

The Siren's Sister has excellent descriptive imagery subtly incorporated into the narrative, which increases the intrigue in the plot. During the action, I could empathize with Deandra and was also prompted to want to know more. The book has straightforward, simple sentences that are nevertheless detailed. I applaud R.M. Dilleen for her exceptional work as her fantasy tale has romance, mystery, and action, making it a well-balanced and enjoyable read. The book was expertly edited, which contributed significantly to the reading experience. I’d recommend the book to adults and teenagers who enjoy fantasies, but not for youngsters because it has a few gory scenes.