The Small, the Tall, and the Most Important of All

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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Author Biography

Kyle Norton is an author, husband, and father who has found renewed purpose in life after giving his heart to Jesus. At a young age, he was diagnosed with a rare condition, which resulted in height deficiencies. Despite his challenges, Kyle has chosen to see the positive side and believes that our weaknesses can bring an abundance of perseverance and character. He has written a book titled The Small, the Tall, and the Most Important of All based on his real-life experience to help children and families going through similar struggles. Kyle's goal is to inspire readers to have an optimistic perspective, celebrate their uniqueness, and realize that they have a place in the world.

Visit Kyle’s website at to learn more about his work and his heart for others.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong, you didn’t fit in because you were different than everyone else? Perhaps you wanted to be the same as everyone else, instead of the unique you that you are. In Kyle William Norton’s The Small, the Tall, and the Most Important of All, young Kyle must come to terms with being short. He doesn’t like being short and it makes him sad because he can’t do what so many of the other kids can do. And, it’s a big, scary world out there – being short just adds another obstacle of insecurity. Kyle just wants to be big and tall like everyone else. But, as he goes through various activities and meets others with their unique differences, he realizes that being short really isn’t that bad at all. It defines who he is. Remember, “whenever you feel like you don’t belong, know that your difference is what makes you strong.” Being short can be okay after all.

Kyle William Norton’s picture book, The Small, the Tall, and the Most Important of All, is a clever way to teach young readers about differences: the importance of accepting yourself for who you are and accepting others for their own unique differences. Told mostly in rhyming verse and simple language so young readers can easily follow along and improve their reading skills, this lyrical treasure will touch the hearts of readers both young and old. The illustrations by Denis Alonso and Claudia Milan are bright, bold, and colorful and help move the story along. A powerful yet simple story about how special we all are just the way we are.