The Snow Games

A Teen Action and Adventure Story

Young Adult - Action
209 Pages
Reviewed on 06/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Snow Games is a young adult action-adventure novel by Darren Greninger. Francesca Marino is a fifteen-year-old high school student whose plans to attend art camp in the summer suffer a big blow when Chester High's board members propose to eliminate summer break and snow days. But she sees a glimmer of hope after learning about billionaire Tyler Young's Snow Games -- a snowball fight tournament, the winner of which gets the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. Alongside her best friend, Priya, the new girl Lindsay Martinez, her crush and star athlete Ethan Everest, and her younger brother Liam, Francesca forms her own team to compete in the tournament. But disaster strikes when Ethan is injured. Will Francesca and her friends be able to overcome the challenges in their way?

Fast-paced and action-packed, The Snow Games is a heartwarming underdog story that demonstrates the importance of using imagination and creativity to rise above the challenges life throws one's way. Darren Greninger weaves a captivating adventure yarn that teaches a few valuable lessons on friendship and teamwork. Greninger has crafted some immensely likable characters you can't help rooting for. Each member of Francesca's friend circle has a compelling backstory, making them all the more relatable to the reader. I loved the relationship dynamics between Francesca, Priya, Liam, Ethan, and Lindsay. The author describes the snowball fights in vivid detail, and, as a reader, you can almost picture them in your mind. I also enjoyed Francesca's last letter to Tyler. In conclusion, if you're a fan of adventure tales or coming-of-age stories, you will love this book!