The Spring Strawberry

Children - Picture Book
42 Pages
Reviewed on 05/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

The Spring Strawberry by EDD Jordan is a charming and heartfelt story about friendship and the importance of sharing. Filbert is an adorable chipmunk who has been anxiously waiting for his favorite day to arrive and it has finally come. The strawberries will be ripe enough to eat! However, he is faced with a moral choice that could impact his friendship with a toad named Evie. At the story's core is a message about sharing and generosity with Filbert caught between the tasty strawberry he’s been waiting for and his friendship with Evie. The story has adventure and an important message that is perfect for children as Filbert struggles with selfishness and discovers kindness is a necessity in friendship.

Filbert is an adorable character that children will love and be able to relate to easily. The story has a fun adventure quality as Filbert searches for a ripe strawberry but keeps finding those that aren’t ripe. This a simple way of showing children the power of continuing forward, being patient, and not giving up. Filbert makes for a great conversation starter as children can discuss his different attributes and motivations while enjoying the humor and charm of the tale. EDD Jordan uses the strawberry as everything that Filbert has ever wanted so sharing is the last thing he wants to do. This is an easy way to start a conversation with children about what being a good friend means and if they’re that kind of friend. The lessons are straightforward and not overly complicated so youngsters can understand them easily. The illustrations are playful, which creates a light tone and makes reading an interactive experience for children. The Spring Strawberry delivers a fun scenario that teaches valuable lessons about friendship, sharing, and kindness that are perfect for young children.