The Stock Market is Predictable

Exploit Proven Seasonal Patterns for Higher Returns

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
98 Pages
Reviewed on 03/09/2014
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Author Biography

Francis H. Yee has a Bachelor in Business Administration with a major in Finance. He has always been interested in the stock market and how it behaves. He bought his first stocks in a private business at age 15 and made his first public stock trade at 23.
As the dad of two children, he’s made saving money and investing for them a high priority. Over many years of investing, he has made some wise choices and he’s made many mistakes. But he’s learned from both. Mr. Yee’s observations and experience give him the insight to stock market patterns and the investor behaviors that create them.
He has exploited those observations and developed investment tactics within a fundamentally sound long-term investment strategy.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

The Stock Market is Predictable: Exploit Proven Seasonal Patterns for Higher Returns is an investment primer written by Francis Yee. Yee’s book is written for the individual investor, and it provides enough information to also assist those who have considered investing. He discusses the different types of investment opportunities such as stocks, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds. Yee also gives guidelines on how to select a company to invest in. This discussion takes the reader from considering an investment opportunity through the steps of determining if the stock is worth investing in and takes into account the products, the company’s financial health, management issues and borrowing patterns. He recommends becoming familiar with investment literature, sites and articles, and indicates which ones he relies on. Registration type is another subject discussed which deals with the tax status of each type of investment and whether the invested monies are pre-taxed or post-taxed. Then, Yee discusses how the market is predictable and how managing your money during certain times of the year can make a difference in your long-term profits.

I’ve never done any investing apart from having a 401K and one disastrous investment in a ‘sure thing’ that went south, and have always wondered if the right amount of knowledge and training could make investing work. Francis Yee’s primer, The Stock Market is Predictable, was a perfect introduction to investing for me. Yee writes in a clear, explanatory and never overly technical manner, and the progression from general information to more complex subjects is accomplished smoothly. His discussions of loads, fees, and other hidden costs alone was invaluable and well-worth the cost of the book. I’m quite impressed by this book and am a lot more knowledgeable about investing than I was before.

Bil Howard

Being able to get higher returns on stock market investments is the goal of every investor. Making that happen is a matter of being able to take advantage of the lows and highs of the market and buy and sell at the proper time. In The Stock Market is Predictable: Exploit Proven Seasonal Patterns for Higher Returns, Francis Yee discusses predictable patterns which have been documented throughout the world markets. With more than a hundred years worth of data collected, Francis can confirm specific, predictable seasonal patterns that can help you buy and sell at the proper times in order to increase your returns. In easy to grasp terminology, Francis also discusses the forces that affect these seasonal highs and lows, as well as the necessary tactics which will allow you to cash in.

The data, documentation, and easy to read format make The Stock Market is Predictable something worth considering for those new to investing in the stock market, as well as those who have been around for a while. Learning the timing of seasonal changes has always been the trick and Francis seems to have pin-pointed that timing and laid it out in a way that even a novice can understand. This guide is full of useful and usable information. Straight forward, knowledgeable and practical, The Stock Market is Predictable: Exploit Proven Seasonal Patterns for Higher Returns is a guide to investing that you ought to have in your collection of references for investing.

Patricia Reding

Readers will be happy to learn from Francis Yee, in The Stock Market is Predicable, basics that will assist them in making their investments. Written with an eye particularly toward those with funds in 401(k) plans, IRAs, Keoghs and the like, Yee successfully makes the market and investments understandable to the newbie investor. He sets forth the basics of different investment vehicles, paying particular attention to mutual funds and also the cost to invest in different kinds of vehicles. Then Yee discusses the importance of some basic tax law. Once done, he summarizes predicable, seasonal market influences.

In The Stock Market is Predictable, readers will learn of the importance of researching the stocks and funds in which they might invest to learn primarily of their management, goods, and market placement. Francis Yee then explains stock market patterns and in particular what he dubs the Winter Pattern and the Summer Pattern. Readers will learn the main causes of those patterns. They will also learn when and how to trade out their investments so as to maximize their profits by taking those patterns into account. While I have a general knowledge of the different kinds of plans that hold funds for investing (such as 401(k) plans) as well as tax law, I genuinely appreciated learning Yee’s approach to maximizing investment earnings. Any reader looking for a helpful primer on investment strategy would do well to spend some time with The Stock Market is Predictable. If they do so, I predict their own earnings may increase.