The Timepiece Paradox

Book Two of the Timepiece Series

Fiction - Time Travel
237 Pages
Reviewed on 06/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

The Timepiece Paradox by Kevin D Miller is book two in the Timepiece Series. In the first installment, Bodhi McMullin receives a timepiece from his dying grandmother, who reveals his true lineage and claims the watch allows time travel, claims Bodhi soon confirms as true. He encounters a transcendent love and difficult choices, ultimately embarking on a perilous journey to rescue his daughter Cassie from a time-traveling wormhole. In this installment, it is years later and Cassie visits her dad at Gram's beach house, where she finds a disturbing letter in Gram's diary. Using the timepiece to seek answers, she is unexpectedly transported to frightening, unknown places. Stranded in time and controlled by the relic, Cassie must discern what the piece's true nature is. The answers she uncovers, and whether or not she can see the journey's challenges through, could bring her back or leave her lost in time permanently.

Kevin D Miller does an excellent job of promptly ramping up the emotional conflict, getting readers immediately invested in the story. It should be noted that The Timepiece Paradox reads perfectly fine as a stand-alone, although beginning with book two robs a reader of the build-up through Bodhi's story provided in book one. The most important element in time-travel fiction, aside from its main plot, is its ability to effectively incorporate historical context and setting, transporting readers to different periods with both descriptions and authentic details. The standout for me is in Miller's portrayal of World War II-era Hawaii, including Pearl Harbor and wartime efforts, which completely grounds Cassie's moment in time within a real historical context. All of this ties into the heartbreaking sacrifices Cassie's lineage requires and those themes of destiny and free will are executed by Miller perfectly. Very highly recommended.

Gary Wright

Absolutely awesome book!
Absolutely loved this book. Easy to read. Loved the story. Read it in one day couldn't put it down
Kevin, I love all of your books.


Great book again. Read it in one day, can’t wait to read third book arriving in 2024.
I know it will be another great book. Thank you Kevin D Miller, keep the time travel coming. Thank you!
