The Tomb of Ptahmes

A Tale of Historical Intrigue and Imaginative Fiction for Teens

Young Adult - Adventure
229 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Malcolm Pinsent and his son Carter are in the middle of an archaeological dig near Meydum, a community in the Libyan Desert, when Sir Robert Ottley, a famous explorer, and his daughter approach them with an unusual proposition. He wants to use Malcolm Pinsent's men to excavate a sarcophagus with a remarkable history. The expedition takes a deadly turn when Ottley is gruesomely wounded in the encounter, yet he offers to buy the Pinsent's silence concerning his expedition. They have no idea that their cooperation in the matter will drag them into a puzzling conspiracy to verify the authenticity of a two-thousand-year-old prophecy, complete with its accompanying curse. With the odds against their fathers, the onus rests on Carter and May to resolve the situation. Only time will tell if they will survive the consequences of their actions in C.W. James's The Tomb Of Ptahmes.

The action is nonstop in The Tomb Of Ptahmes. The plot is a masterful fusion of mystery and suspense, deeply rooted in beautifully rendered Egyptian mythology. C.W. James dives right into the action from the first page, offering the reader the origins of both the Pinsents and the Ottleys with such fluidity that there is no doubt that a one-of-a-kind adventure is in the offing. The character development is pristine. Despite their shaky alliance based on shared interests, the similarities between Carter's and May's early childhood suggest a possible meeting of the minds. The dialogue between the characters maintains the British perspective while adding a healthy dose of that quintessential British humor in vibrant verbal sparring. James has found the perfect formula for crafting a riveting narrative with a unique storytelling approach and breakneck pacing in The Tomb Of Ptahmes.