The Unraveling of Reverend G

Christian - Fiction
203 Pages
Reviewed on 12/02/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite

"The Unraveling of Reverend G" by R J Thesman is a caring, loving Christian fiction story about a woman who has just found out she has dementia and will soon be battling with Alzheimer’s. Reverend G must give up the work she loves: helping the women in her church and community. She must tell her son and daughter-in-love of this and about her plans to sell the house and move into an assisted living residence. Reverend G shares her biggest fear of forgetting God and those she loves as the disease progresses. She constantly recites the Bible and struggles to remember those passages from the Bible that she has always known and loved. We live with her as she makes new friends everyday (her own personal joke on forgetfulness) and learns to deal with her confusion and even finds love. We meet other residents at her new home and Gabriel the cat that she hides away in her room.

R J Thesman has written a book dealing with a difficult subject and has taken away the fear and mystery of what an Alzheimer's patient is faced with. "The Unraveling of Reverend G" is a must read for anyone that has a parent, grandparent or friend with the disease or is worried about their own future health. "The Unraveling of Reverend G" is a Christian fiction book that rings the truth. I fell in love with Reverend G from the first page and felt her fears, worries, concerns and joys. R J Thesman will touch your heart with this book, make you laugh and make you cry. This is a five star book and a must read for both young and old. Thank you R J for a peek into my possible future.