The Vicious Case of the Viral Vaccine

Children - Grade 4th-6th
160 Pages
Reviewed on 09/15/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Karen Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

The Vicious Case of the Viral Vaccine is a wonderfully educational book for children in grades four through six. In this novel, authors Pendred Noyce and Roberta Baxter have presented Mae and Clinton. They are two adventuresome children who attend the Galactic Academy of Science (GAS). Mae's mother is a scientist and there are a group of demonstrators outside her laboratory protesting the UFV, the Universal Flu Vaccine that has just come on the market. Mae has a scientific mind and she cannot understand why any parent would fail to get children immunized against illness and disease. But, Clinton's sister had a severe attack after a childhood immunization and he has his doubts about the safety of vaccines. In order for the children to do their own independent, scientific study, the elusive Selectra Volt appears and challenges the children to a time travel to the past. It is Selectra's hope that the children will get accurate scientific information by being in the exact time frames in which a lot of the greatest advances were made in fighting viruses and bacteria.

Noyce and Baxter take the children on travels to England, France, India and Veracruz before returning them home to try to make decisions about rumors versus scientific evidence. When they stumble upon a horrendous plot to harm innocent people, Mae and Clinton have to act quickly with all the facts at hand. I liked the way both children were open to new learning and certainly most children who read The Vicious Case of the Viral Vaccine will not only be secure in their own learning, they will have an exciting adventure along the way!