The Wielder Diaries

My Crystal

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
330 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2015
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Author Biography

Ashley Scheller has always liked creating. Currently residing in Omaha with her family, if she isn’t sewing costumes inspired from medieval times or anime characters she is writing. Passionate about both hobbies, she loves to connect with fellow costumers and writers through social media. The Wielder Diaries: My Crystal is her first book and has planned an exciting trilogy for the title.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Janelle Fila for Readers' Favorite

The Wielder Diaries: My Crystal by Ashley Scheller is a young adult fantasy about a girl with unstoppable power who cannot remember how to use it. Kayla wakes up when she is twelve years old, but doesn't remember anything about her past. She is surrounded by four guardians and friends, who try to fill her in about her past as much as they can. She also reads from a strange diary that helps her regain some of her memories. At age five, she could transform lions into beings that seemed very human like. At age nine, she transformed inanimate objects into whatever she wanted, rearranging her surroundings to fit her imagination. She is what is known as a Saqui, a child with precious power. But Kayla can't remember that power, so her kingdom is crumbling around her. She needs to get back her memories, and her power, and goes on an adventure that begins when she opens the crystal cover.

This is an intriguing fantasy story that fantasy readers will enjoy. At first, readers are dumped into an unknown world with strange lion faced creatures and characters that appear out of thin air. While this can sometimes be disconcerting, since Kayla doesn't understand her surroundings the reader doesn't feel at too much of a loss because they are learning about the land at the same time as Kayla. Kayla doesn't understand her powers any more than the reader does, so we can both go on this incredible journey together. A good read.