The Willing Stone

The Adventures of Abby and Sofia Book 1

Children - Grade 4th-6th
181 Pages
Reviewed on 12/18/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Brenda Casto for Readers' Favorite

The Willing Stone is the first book in The Adventures of Abby and Sofia series by Beth Winokur. It's a story that takes readers on a fantastic journey which grabbed this reader's imagination and kept me guessing as to what might happen next with Abby and Sofia. Abigail (Abby) Yard has plenty going on. She and her family have just moved in with her grandparents, and her grandpa warns her about someone called The Folk. Her greatest obstacle, though, is starting fourth grade in a new school. She hopes to fit in and make new friends, but it seems the only person who wants to be her friend is Sofia, whom everyone calls "Bug Girl." The two girls soon find themselves on an adventure where they will learn just what Abby's grandfather was talking about when he mentioned The Folk, but more than that they will learn what being a friend is all about.

The Willing Stone by Beth Winokur is such a delightful read, touching on some very realistic topics to make young readers think as they are pulled into the magical adventure that Abby and Sofia find themselves on. Abby and Sofia are very likable characters, and while Abby sometimes makes poor choices she always learns from her mistakes, which allows her character to grow. I could easily understand how she was torn between liking Sofia and wanting to fit in with the other girls; the author's message of true friendship comes through loud and clear with this pair. I also loved how Sofia was comfortable being who she was; she wasn't fazed by what others said about her. It was also easy to imagine the snarky girls and their mean attitudes! I loved the sense of family structure and unity that I got while reading this story.

The author's descriptions of the magical creatures that Sofia and Abby encountered put my imagination into overdrive! I could just visualise the eight-foot sometimes mermaid, and the troll along with the other creatures that they encountered. When the girls found themselves in a magical world, I couldn't help but wonder if they would make it back home. The Willing Stone (The Adventures of Abby and Sofia, Book 1) is a page turner with just the right amount of suspense, mystery and fantasy written in such a way to provide several positive messages while capturing the imagination and holding it until the final page.