The Witch Club

A Scottish Witches Mystery (Scottish Witches Mysteries)

Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
256 Pages
Reviewed on 07/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

Tarbet, a serene village nestled in Scotland’s Highlands, is the setting for The Witch Club, the first book in the Scottish Mysteries series by Felicity Green. Dessie McKendrick, a local B&B owner, has spent the last decade trying to find her husband, who went missing during their honeymoon. Disappointed with the efforts of the local law enforcement, Dessie tirelessly searches for answers. When another young hiker disappears under similar circumstances, Dessie is convinced that the new case is connected to the one from the past. Her efforts to get answers lead her to a local women’s club that has a secret. Despite the risks, Dessie is determined to uncover the truth and find answers to the questions that have plagued her for the last ten years. Will she be able to get to the bottom of things, or will she be the next victim?

The Witch Club by Felicity Green is an engaging mystery that hooked me from the very first chapter, with a plot combining mystery and supernatural elements. The first two chapters focus on Dessie's personal loss and ongoing investigation. This personal search coincides with a new disappearance, adding to the central mystery. Green’s descriptive and atmospheric writing style made me feel like I was in Tarbet, feeling a sense of dread and otherworldliness along with the characters. The narrative switches perspectives between chapters, providing a glimpse of the characters’ lives and interactions. With each chapter, the non-linear narrative effectively builds suspense by connecting past events with current ones. Dessie’s character is well-developed, with clear motivations and emotional depth. Green’s narrative had me invested in Dessie’s journey to solve this mystery. The other characters, including Andie, the other women in the local coven and the local Inspector Reid, add to the richness of the story. Although the narrative mainly focuses on grief and personal justice, it also touches upon secrets and the lengths people will go to protect them. The Witch Club is a good start to the series. I’ll be waiting to read what happens next.