Thomas Riley

Steampunk Novels

Young Adult - General
288 Pages
Reviewed on 04/20/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

West Canvia and Lemuria are at war. Alchemist, Thomas Riley and his apprentice Cynthia Bassett, are designers for the West Canvia. It is well known that Riley is brilliant and talented. When the Duke’s daughter is fatally wounded during a military strike, she is brought to Riley’s laboratory. Riley is forced to attempt to save the young woman’s soul by performing Lifeblood on her. Lifeblood is dangerous and rarely goes well. Something goes wrong and the soul of the spoiled woman ends up taking residence in Cynthia’s body. The Duke sends Riley and Cynthia behind enemy lines to force an insane, but brilliant, scientist to remove his daughter’s soul from Cynthia’s body.

Riley and Cynthia face danger, intrigue, adventure, sky pirates, and strange weapons. They depend on their intelligence and a lot of luck to survive their adventure.

"Thomas Riley" is filled with non-stop action, danger, alchemy and more than a pinch of humor. In this fantasy, the reader will encounter airships that look like a pirate ships, acid bullets, mechanical spiders, bears and mosquitoes and other things that will boggle the mind. The author has a flair for description. In my mind’s eye, I could see Riley and Cynthia in their goggles.

Nick Valentino has character development down to an art. This book was written for Young Adults; however, the older crowd will enjoy it just as much. I hope the author is planning to make this into a series. "Thomas Riley" is an entertaining read.